Shakti Youth DANCE
Fall Programming 2023

Storytelling through Dance
August 21st - September 25th
Mondays @ 4:30pm
(6 Class Series | Ages 6+)
This series offers an introduction to and appreciation for one of India's most unique classical dance forms: Kathakali.
Kathakali is a "story play" genre of art from Kerala (South-western India) and is derived from 2 words... Katha = Story
and Kali = Dance. Over 6 sessions this Fall students will learn the foundations of Kathakali body postures, hand gestures, facial expressions and rhythms for dance.
Open to students ages 6+
Check back for our Spring 2024 Schedule!
Storytelling through Dance
Youth Choreography Lab
Scheduled for Spring 2024!
In this series students will gain an understanding of the art of choreography. We'll explore various facets of dance-making through gesture, poetry, rhythms, patterns, props and more!
No previous dance experience is necessary but if you have some, you'll be most welcome to pour that into your dance-making when we create our "dance phrases".
All classes will be guided with lots of room for your student's creativity and expression. This class is best suited for kids ages 6 and older.